John R. Ross Scholarship

About the Scholarship

The John R. Ross Scholarship is the Alpha Rho Chi Foundation’s scholarship program recognizing academic success, leadership, and service in the fraternity’s active chapters. This past year, three scholarships were awarded—each with a value of $3,000. All active chapter members of APX are encouraged to apply at the beginning of each year; the award is traditionally presented at APX’s National Convention. All applicants are encouraged to attend; however, attendance at Convention is not a factor in who wins the awards.

Scholarship Applications

Applications are accepted for the John Ross Scholarship in the winter of each year. All collegiate brothers are encouraged to complete the online application.

Applications are currently being accepted on this GreekTrack form (link).

The application form can be viewed prior to submission. We recommend that you review the questions, compose the short descriptions offline (to paste in later). The application also requires a professional headshot to be uploaded (used to publicize scholarship winners).

Note: The form is only viewable to collegiate members who have logged in to their account. 

Questions? Email the APX Foundation at

About John R. Ross

John R. Ross, FAIA, was Worthy Grand Architect of Alpha Rho Chi from 1981 to 1989. Initiated as a member of Andronicus Chapter in 1941, Ross was soon called to active duty as a U.S. Army Unit Commander in the Pacific theater of WWII. He returned to the University of Southern California to earn his Bachelor of Architecture in 1949. Ross maintained a private practice in San Luis Obispo while lecturing at Cal Poly and joining California Board of Architectural Examiners – becoming its president in 1970. An officer and director of National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), Ross served as NCARB president in 1979. As WGA, he was instrumental in establishing the Alpha Rho Chi Foundation in 1989. Ross briefly served as the Foundation’s first president until his death on June 6, 1990.

Past John R. Ross Scholars


Catherine Calhoun


Matthew Luck


Hannah Ruth


2023Joseph LouDaedalus
Dora OtanoNicon
Didem ErbilenAgamedes
2022Audra GreavuDemetrios
Anuradha KadamDomitian
Rachel FriedmanDaedalus
2021Daryl RowePolyidus
Maria NogueraCleisthenes
Jenna MerrySkopas
2020Elizabeth HerfelRabirius
Melissa HolderPolyidus
Thomas WyattApollodorus
2019Lames AlkebsiOlynthius
Cassidy BrownApollodorus
Andrew FabryAndronicus
2018Leira CarreonMetagenes
David MaplesHadrian
Timothy HuntleyPolyidus
2017Emily BuckbergOlynthius
Kylie MillerPytheos
David MaplesHadrian
2016Allison BakerMetagenes
Proanne LiaoAndronicus
Kyle GrahamHadrian
2015Anna Barchick-SuterRabirius
Patricia HazleMetagenes
Kelsey DressingIktinos
2014Bryan PerezPytheos
Eneida PinonNicon
Jeff ZiemannDinocrates
2013Margo PuetteRabirius
Jessica ElliottApollodorus
Desmond JohnsonSeshait
2012Allison BurrellIktinos
Laura TrainorAnthemios
2011Erin CuevasAndronicus
2010Jonathan FairSeshait
2009Jennifer RearichSatyros
2008Anthony DeLaPazAnthemios
2007Erin Ostendorf DobeshPytheos
2006Katie SchmidtPytheos
Jeffrey JohnsonImhotep
2005James WallApollodorus
Alberto LopezAndronicus
Carlos MachadoCleisthenes
2004Emile Pointex 
Kristen WalkerApollodorus
Randy KirschnerPytheos
Melissa GorisIktinos
Matthew SoissonIktinos
Allison McDonnellIktinos
2003Karen WilliamsSeshait
Rachael LannanAnthemios
2002Aaron FeldmanVitruvius
Tzveta PanayotovaApollodorus
Alex EstillRabirius
2001Brandon HarwickVitruvius
David CiavarellaPytheos
2000Matthew GillenVitruvius
Ryann CraigAnthemios
Johanna JamesAnthemios
Mara BraspenninxIktinos
Trevor HullPytheos
1999Robyn BrownVitruvius
Joshua L. ThompsonAnthemios
Robert S. LewisApollodorus
Melissa S. KlevePytheos
Amy StillwellRhoecus
1998Corey M. HoelkerPytheos
Robert FordApollodorus
1997Todd A. EricksonPytheos
1996Kevin TeagueAnthemios
1995Phillip J. Heelan IVPytheos