Leadership Conference is a full day of information and workshops to help you succeed in your leadership role. We will discuss leadership strategies, fraternity and chapter operations, fraternity health and safety, working with other brothers and with alumni, whom to call for help, chapter budgeting strategies, and other topics. You will meet leaders from our other chapters, learn from each other, gain new ideas, and build your own network. We expect you to return to your chapters to share the information and skills you receive at Leadership Conference, provide the guidance necessary to successfully run a student organization.
The 2023 Leadership Conference will be held in-person at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel on September 23, 2023.
One collegiate member per chapter will have travel arranged for them, and the registration form will require information to facilitate this process. Note: If your chapter is within driving distance that may be a preferred travel option (with applicable costs reimbursed by the Grand Council).
While every effort will be made to accommodate schedule preferences, airline flight schedules can be limited and not all requests may be accommodated. Attendees should expect to spend both Friday and Sunday traveling, and should start making arrangements (class, work, family, etc.) as soon as possible. A letter requesting excused absence from class is available upon request to leadership@alpharhochi.org.
Attendees will have rooming arranged for them (double occupancy), and wherever possible, attendees from the same state will be assigned a shared room. Space has been designated on the registration form to list any requests or restrictions regarding your room accommodations.
Breakfast will be available at the hotel on Saturday morning and Attendees will be provided lunch and dinner during the scheduled programming.
Questions? Contact your Regional Director or the Leadership Conference Coordinator at leadership@alpharhochi.org.
See you in Oklahoma City!
This event is hosted by the Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity